Thursday, May 3, 2012

Speaking Chinese, bitches!

That's right.  Add Chinese to the repertoire of languages I speak.  Just had my first Mandarin lesson.  So far it's hard, but fun! Today we learned hello, how are you, good morning, goodbye, counting, and vowel sounds. I really like the tones because I feel cool saying it, like a real Chinese person :-)  The pronunciation is so important in Mandarin, so you have to say each word very deliberately (I know, one lesson and I am an expert) but that's what makes it fun to say! I did feel like a real dumbass when I was the only person in the class who didnt know Pinyin is the proper name of transcribing Chinese characters into English looking words (or Latin, whatever).  One of the first things the teacher asked was "Does everyone know what Pinyin is?"  I started to say no, when I realized everyone else was saying yes, so I did the "start to shake my head and then turn it into a nod" move, like I knew exactly what was going on.  Anyway, "pinyin" is what I thought we were going to be learning since this is just an 8 week course of Chinese for beginners, but we are learning real characters too.  I am fucked on the characters.  The teacher makes it sound so easy: "There are just 8 strokes that make up characters" and they look so simple -- until you look at the all together in one character, lol.   Anyway, watch out bitches because I will own this shit soon!

Ok, so now that I talked about something I like, I need to counter that with something I hate.  Today it is birth control pills.  Many women take birth control at some time in their lives for one reason or another.  I am convinced these tiny pills will kill me.  For sure taking my daily dose of estrogen will fuck me up some how in the future.  Anyway, 2 weeks ago I had to switch to an Australian brand.  Coincidentally, 3 weeks ago I started my new diet in which I watch all foods I eat, somewhat limit my alcohol consumption (weh), and work strenuously at the gym 5 days.  The first week I lost 1 lb -- good results for the first week.  BUT in the last 2 weeks, I have gained 6 pounds!!!  Everyday I weigh more!  Not joking, one day I weighed 2 lbs more than the day before.  I thought, that's weird, it's probably just a fluctuation.  Nope, weight just keeps going up, not going down at all.  It has to be these damn pills!  And my SKIN, which is normally ok, suddenly looks like I am 15! Not to mention the sudden waves of nausea I get throughout the day.  I want to get a new prescription, but I know they are going to tell me it's too early and I need to try these for longer.  BUT, obvs I did a google search and I saw that sometimes these pills are given to teenagers who have a hard time putting weight on.  Why the fuck did they give lil chunkaaa this pill??  I dont need ANY help putting on weight!  LOL, ARGHH!

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