Sunday, May 13, 2012

new plant shelf

Even though I want to move soooo bad, I do like the actual apartment I live in.  The guys have been gone a while, and this has really become "Al's place."  It hasn't been easy to decorate because I have such a limited budget.  I was just saying to someone the other day, the problem with moving around so much is you never get the chance to accumulate stuff.  And not one of the three of us is from this area.  So it's been hard to have to buy EVERYTHING -- couches, beds, silverware, plates, BBQ, washing machine, refrigerator, shelves, desk, chairs, tables, pantry stuff like spices, oils, hangars, kitchen appliances AND ON AND ON - we literally had nothing except a couple tvs.  So I am often frustrated with my "savings" account (lol), but then I remember how much we have had to put into this place to make it feel like home.

Anyway, today as I was admiring my awesome new plant shelf I got yesterday, I remembered that technically I am not supposed to live here.  It is supposed to be for just people in defense, and it is hard to imagine that 2 army dudes would have a million plants and hanging flower baskets on their balcony.  So probs the guys will not be as happy about Al's place as I am.  We do have inspections a couple times a year to make sure the place is kept tidy and nothing is broken -- when these happen I have to hide all my stuff (ie put away the cupcake pot holders and hide my clothes).  I am guessing I will be hiding the plant shelf and baskets too :(

It's mothers day today and I obvs miss my mom.  The last month has been really hard.  I am proud of myself that I have been able to keep it together and stay busy.  But I am so lonely!!!  I just cant wait til we dont live in Darwin anymore.  Darwin is small, very very small.  It's far away from everything, you cant drive to a single other city and just get away for a weekend.  Probably the closest city is Brisbane, a 3 hour flight!  And all the flights are so expensive because they are limited in service.  I miss America, my friends, and my family. UGHH

In good news (more good news in addition to my plant shelf!), I got a message that Jason will be home for a week in 2 weeks!  YES!  It is funny and it totally figures he comes home the same weekend my work is having a huge (huge for Darwin) conference that runs Thursday-Sunday.  Obvs I am totes skipping out on the Sat and Sunday.  They really only need me on the Thurs anyway.  But yay!  I can survive 2 more weeks.  Then he will be gone another 6 weeks after that.  The thing I am most looking forward to is eating normal food!  I cant be bothered cooking for myself and food is so expensive here, I never eat anything good!  Eggs, toast, veggies.  Pretty much it.  BLAH.

I learned a new Aussie saying this week.  They had a meeting at work about people attending that conference and how if you "go long grass" half way through, you wont get paid.  I am loving this saying!  Go long grass means you take off and disappear, lol.  Classic.  

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