Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I refuse to speak Aussie!

Australians abbreviate everything... EVERYTHING.  Things you wouldnt even think of abbreviating, like the Salvation Army.  They dont have the bell ringers at Christmas here, so how often do you talk about Salvation Army that you have to abbreviate it?  But they do, "Salvos."  It even says Salvos on the sign.  Here are a few classics that are used everyday.  Seriously, I hear this shit every....single...day.  Enjoy!

"He called me in the arvo but I was on the piss."
He called me in the afternoon, but I was too drunk to answer.

"Nah, mate.  He ain't here.  He's in Brizzie this weekend."
No, he is not here.  He is in Brisbane for the weekend.

"I just stopped at the Bottle-O. "
I went to the liquor shop.

"We had a ripper time at the hen party."
We had a great time at the bachelorette party.

"I wont be home again until Chrissie."
I wont be home again until Christmas.

"I had a chook for brekky."
I had chicken for breakfast.

"I heard there was free grog here, mate."
I heard there was free booze.

"What time do you knock off?"
What time do you finish work?

"I been flat out mate."
I am really busy.

"I had Maccas for lunch."
I had McDonalds for lunch"

"Pommy bastards!"
English bastards!

"Look at those greasy wogs!"
Look at those greasy guidos!

"I'll take a schooner of XXXX."
I'll have a bottle of 4X (beer).

"My camera's gone walkabout."
I cant find my camera. 

1 comment:

  1. Of course there is the classic: NO WORRIES.

    Ok, no worries.
    No worries.
    Thank you, no worries!

    and HEAPS.

    I got heaps of chips (fries) at Maccas mate! LOL
