Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I dont like today

UGHH -- just the day I fork out the dough for that fucking electric bill, student loans get deducted from account...WHAMMY!  And I get paid on Thursdays, but not this Thursday.  BLAH.  Do not like.  I have been at this job for almost 2 months now -- appropriate time to ask for a raise?

You might be wondering how my mandarin lessons are going!  I know this is weighing on everyone's minds.  Well, so so, I would say.  For each word we learn, we learn the spelling with regular letters (pinyin) then we learn the character.  It's almost like each word is a picture.  You know the character, or you don't.  You can't sound it out.  It is mucho loco.  And when I study my flashcards, they have my handwriting of the character, which only kinda resembles what the character should look like, lol.  I am fucked.  But I am still enjoying it and I look forward to class every week.  My teacher is super cute.  She has been teaching a long time and I think she goes at a good pace.  We also get to sing in class, which is fun :)

But you know what I hate?  Haha, everything?  lol.  But really.  The point in the fitness routine where you know you need to up the intensity of your workout.  Chunkaaas fitness involves a one hour workout 5-6 days a week.  I don't do weights, it's all cardio because weights are hard and boring to me.  It is usually something like run 2 miles, bike 15 mins, cross trainer 15 mins, run another 2 miles.  Thing is, I am doing it, but I know I could be getting a lot more out of it if I really exerted myself.  I am not cheating, I am just not trying my best.  I run at a really comfortable pace and I am completely zoned out on the bike.  I am pretty zoned during the run too.  And not "in the zone," but completely out of it.  Sometimes I do intervals, but like the weights, I think the sprints are really hard so I dont like it :(  I am comfortable in my routine, I can cruise right through it -- and they say you are never supposed to be comfortable!  So this weekend will commence Chunkaaas Upgraded Fitness Plan, which will involve sprints and attempted push ups.  At my old job where I was the only one there, I was practicing my push ups all the time!  I was actually getting better.  But now that I work around other people, I obvs cant be doing that.  Ughh, i want pizza.  

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