I was very skeptical of this recipe. I've never made real bread before. I've made naan and cake breads, like pumpkin or banana etc, but not a real bread. The reason I've never tried is because bread's such a bitch to make, kneading etc. But this recipe said no kneading -- and basically no work at all. So I figured if it goes wrong, whatev. Didnt really cost me anything. The only catch is you have to let the dough rise for 12-18 hours, but the recipe says more towards the 18 side.
Here's the original recipe posted in NY Times by Mark Bittman, but it was actually invented by an NY baker named Jim Lahey -- who is now my hero. I can't believe it took me 6 years to discover this! Thank you Pinterest!!
I changed the recipe slightly just based on what I had in the house. I used bread flour instead of all purpose flour (which we actually dont have in Aus). And I used a whole teaspoon of yeast because that's how much is in one packet. Oh, and I only let it rise 30 mins after re-flouring the dough. Now the problem is chunkaaa wants to eat all the bread!
Here's the step by step instructions someone added to their blog:
Here's the original recipe posted in NY Times by Mark Bittman, but it was actually invented by an NY baker named Jim Lahey -- who is now my hero. I can't believe it took me 6 years to discover this! Thank you Pinterest!!
I changed the recipe slightly just based on what I had in the house. I used bread flour instead of all purpose flour (which we actually dont have in Aus). And I used a whole teaspoon of yeast because that's how much is in one packet. Oh, and I only let it rise 30 mins after re-flouring the dough. Now the problem is chunkaaa wants to eat all the bread!
Here's the step by step instructions someone added to their blog:
Fresh out of the oven. Yes, it's baked in a dutch oven -- you actually bake the oven for 30 mins before putting the bread in so it's nice and hot. It's a normal size bread, that dutch oven is just massive.
Just resting. How beautiful does it look?? The most surprising thing is how hard and crunchy the outside came out and how soft and airy it is inside.
I am having a really hard time letting it cool before tearing into it!
This is the bottom, nice color!
Sliced! Look at that airiness!
And with lots of butter. Notice there is one slice missing at this point. I couldn't wait to eat it!!
ANYONE can make this bread! I am just picturing it with an antipasto platter, olive oil, cheese, mmmmm. And I have the world's worst oven, and it still came out great. Make the bread!