Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pics as promised

These are pics of my neighborhood, Bayview :-)  It's a very nice place to live among the millionaires!  Now if only there were no douches or midgees...

Welcome to Bayview :-)

Those apartments are the Michie Court!!

This is the running path.  Bayview is a circle.  Start at Michie Court and then I run down 
this path for half a mile.  

The marina is in the middle of all the houses.   I run the path then take 2 little bridges and end up here.  

Here's a shot of the marina without the sunset, a little further down the circle.  

Typical massive Bayview homes.  Everyone pulls their boat right up to their house.  
Sigh, how the other half

Now turning back towards my place.  Idk if you can make it out, but this hill over looks the Darwin harbor.  

And right back near home, the start of the marina at sunset.  

Just cause, here is my balcony with some of my plants.  My mom says I look like an old Polish woman, whatever that means.  I think she is referring to the number of pots with struggling plants...

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