Friday, June 29, 2012

My new visa: the saga. Chapter 1.

There is no more stressful situation in my life right now than my new visa.  Actually, I shouldn't say new visa, because I have been stressed about visas since I decided to move here last year.  They don't make it easy to live in other countries.  Well, living in another country is not so hard, have working rights is.  

So everyone prolly remembers my initial job search when I got here and then they strange coincidental timing of having 3 job offers all at once.  I ultimately chose the job which paid the least, but I thought had the most potential.  Truth is I am doing really well at my job and I have learned so much there.  It's almost hard to believe how much I have learned in the past 3 months.  I think I fit in well and I know if I stay with the gov in the future, I can be successful.  

Anyway, I am on this dumb backpacker visa where you can only work at each job for 6 months.  My 6 months will be up in Sept and my visa expires in Oct. I have 2 potential visa options.  Option one is I apply for a spousal visa.  I have to have lived with Jason for 12 months consecutively (to the day) to be eligible for this visa-- essentially it's like a green card.  I have to submit extensive, extensive paperwork, FBI issued background checks from every country I have lived in the past 10 years (so that's US, Korea, and Australia), and another medical check at my own expense (because the one I got last year expires within 12 months of getting it).  Also, I have to pay $3000 just to apply in addition to the costs of the background and medical checks.  All together, about $4000.  BUT that's not even the worse part.  I can't apply until I have lived with Jason for the entire 12 months -- meaning I have to go into immigration on the day I am supposed to leave the country and submit my application.  Talk about stressful.  Second, this visa takes 4-eva to process, potentially up to a year.  During that time, I cannot leave the country.  Meaning, I wont be able to come home this xmas as planned or anytime during the next year. That, to me, is the absolute worst scenario.  

On the other hand, I can get a business sponsored visa -- paid for by my employer (super cheap too, like $400), no medical check required, etc.  Use the same paperwork I submitted for current visa, takes 2 months to get, easy peasy.  I spoke to my boss about it and he said of course.  Boss spoke to big boss and she said absolutely.  Big boss spoke to department HR and they said no way.  Apparently they are worried about what kind of message it sends if a gov dept has overseas workers taking jobs away from Australians.  Which, OBVS, makes no sense because I ALREADY HAVE THE JOB!  I have taken the job away from an Australian.  So basically they are saying you can continue to work here, but have to sort out the visa on your own.  But these are peeps that have never met me, in another building across town, making ridiculous decisions that are fucking up my life.  Luckily my office is 100% on my side, so I am ready to play some hardball, lol.  But seriously, I feel I should be supported in this and if they want me to continue to work there, they should help me out.  Yes, I am starting to rant, but if I said I was stressed it's the understatement of the year!  Monday, I will have another convo, so will keep posted on how that goes.  UGHH

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