Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ni hao ma?

Did facebook just become even more stalker-ish, or I did I click something weird, because I now see EVERYTHING you do!  Every time someone likes a status or a photo, writes on someone's wall, etc, it's in my newsfeed -- not just the ticker, the newsfeed!  I dont want to see this shit!  So now it's like annoying pics and statuses x100.  If I didnt live abroad, I would delete my account.  But I already feel like I have lost touch  with so many people, I keep it just so I dont feel so out of the loop.

I am watching America's Hardest Prisons right now.  They must mean all the Americas because this prison is in Mexico.  Omg, you do not want to go to jail in Mexico!  There is one American dude in there who had to have his leg amputated.  Idk what the deal is, but dude has a prosthetic leg that is held together with duct tape and a string he holds in his hand when he walks.  So when he walks, he picks up the leg with this string. Not like some medical device, the string is part of the duct might be a long piece of tape even.  Dude is fucked too, he is serving a 22 year sentence.

So terrible news of the day is Chinese level one ends next week!  I assumed I would continue right into level 2, but there is a break in between.  A 6 week break!!  So after next week, no Mandarin class til August!!!!  WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH MY TIME?!  I look forward to class every week and I study during my lunch breaks. What do I do now?!?!  Dont they realize I have no life and I dont need a break?!?!  WHAT DO I DO NOW????

Speaking of the word 'realize,' I now type words like that wrong all the time.  When I say wrong, I mean I am in the habit of using the Australian English spelling now...  'realise.'  I automatically type it like that now and have to correct myself when not at work.  Realise, familiarise, organise, colour, neighbourhood, favourite...  GRRRRR.  And the other day I asked someone if they had acclimated to the weather and they said, "Dont you mean acclimatise?"  Huh?

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