Saturday, June 9, 2012

back in biz

I am back, I apologize for the 3 week hiatus.  Lots to discuss.

First off, thanks to all who showed their concern about my new hair cut.  I went to a place someone from my work recommended.  Haircuts, like everything else in Darwin, are super expensive.  I am talking upwards of 100$  --  and Darwin is not exactly LA.  You're not paying 100$ because you're getting a great trendy cut, you're paying 100$ because they can charge what they want.  This place said 75$ with blow dry or 50$ no blow dry. Considering I was going home to clean my house after, I went with the 50$ option.  The chick from work did not recommend a particular stylist, so I just got whoever they gave me.  I will admit, I almost left when I saw the girl!  She was wearing an absolutely ridiculous sequin outfit, tons of make up, and had bad hair!  I thought, I am so screwed right now.  Thankfully, I had taken a picture with me and she was very concerned about sticking exactly to the picture.  In the end, all was good and I left happy!  Since it is so hot here, hair grows so fast, I am almost ready for another cut.

Jason ended up being able to stay home for 2 whole weeks!  Little bit longer than we had thought, which was great.  But he is gone now and I am sad :-(  He is not coming back til the last week of JULY!  Anyway, we had a great time while he was here despite a few minor setbacks.  We had planned to go down to Katherine, about 220 miles south of Darwin, to go kayaking in one of the national parks there.  It is supposed to be really beautiful, but you can only go during dry season.  We both took last Friday and Monday off work and the plan was to head down early Friday.  Jason called ahead to book the kayaks and turns out the park is closed because of salt water crocs on the loose.  UGHH!!  Obvs we didnt anticipate this happening and didnt have a back up plan, so we decided to just stay in Darwin and head to the classic Darwin golf.  Turns out BOTH Darwin courses were closed!  Terrible luck.  We ended up going BOWLING at noon on a friday, LOL.  We were the only bowlers.  Then we went to the beach for a little bit to relax, but obvs no swimming as it's not safe to swim here.

Next plan was since we can't go to Katherine Gorge, let's go to Kakadu National Park. Kakadu is enormous, hundreds of miles.  However, most of it is only accessible by 4 wheel drive and some places only by air.  Obvs the fiesta is not 4 wheel drive.  Our plan was to rent a 4WD vehicle for the day, until we went to the rental place and they said a ONE DAY rental would be $400 PLUS GAS!!  I wont pay that based on principle!  hahaha.  So we ended up rolling to Kakadu in the Fiesta, which was still a great time.  We had wanted to go swimming, but the swimming holes are all off road, so we climbed rocks all day and hiked through the bush.  Lots of ancient Aboriginal art paintings on the rocks there, and the scenery is amazing.

Dry season weather is awesome.  Same same everyday.  80 during the day, 60 at night.  The most hilarious thing is, people are dressing for winter!  Especially in the morning.  Scarves, jackets, boots, etc.  Darwin will always be a very interesting place to me!

Mandarin is going well.  I study all the time.  Learning the words is not so bad, but learning the characters is a BITCH!  Shit is so hard.  I really want to stick with learning it though.  I am almost at the end of level one. There are 2 more levels after this and then I will have to find another place to learn.  One thing about my class is it is moving a little slow for me.  It is an adult learning class, so geared to people who are busy with work, kids, schedules, etc.  Not for people like me who are anything but busy and study everyday just to have something to do!

For any peeps that missed it, I FINALLY posted some pics on FB.  With the slow internet connection it took absolutely forever, which is why I dont post regularly.  But the pics are a smorgasbord of shit since my trip in Dec.  Enjoy, time for CSI Miami (it's Saturday night!).

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