Friday, June 22, 2012

Oh the shame!

Guess what I JUST did?  I bought a Nicki Minaj song on itunes...  I AM the problem!  But ughh, that Pound the Alarm song is so good for running.  I am not admitting it's good, it's just so upbeat!  Don't judge me, I will still continue to hate on her!

SPEAKING OF HATING, I finished "50 Shades" this week.  Only took me 6 weeks.  I was telling my mom about how much I hated it, to which mom replied, "Alexandra, I don't have to read that book to know that it sucks."  Mom is so wise.  Still, I am happy I read it just so that I am not in the dark.  Happy to have read it, sorry that I paid money for it.  I read Eat, Pray, Love for the same reasons, but managed to get that one from the library.  The worst is people on my facebook who say things like, "Trust me your husband is going to thank you for reading it" and then I cant help but think of what that means and the mental pictures that follow!  WHY?!

So Jason has been gone again for 2 weeks now.  I hate to be one of those girls who whine about missing their boyfriend, but c'mon this is ridic.  Gone 2 weeks and still another 6 to go (on top of the 2 months he was already gone for).  What makes it less bearable is that we cant even talk on the phone...  no phone, no email, no communication at all.  And since he is still the only person I know here aside from work peeps, it especially blows.

Good things are work is busy, so the days go by quickly.   Looks like things are only going to get busier in the future.  Most days I enjoy my job, although there are of course those days when I want to die.  As I have mentioned before, as busy as things are, you're never expected to work overtime.  I am out of work before 430 and I love it.  So we'll see how things go there in the future, but I am thankful to have this job while I am in Darwin.

And most importantly, I have a VACATION coming up!!  YESSS, the DAY Jason is back, we are going to Malaysia to RELAX with good friends Scott and Brandon.  It has been wayyyy too long since I have seen all 3 of them and I couldnt be more excited for this trip!  :)

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