Friday, June 15, 2012

crock pot?

Soooooo, I really, really like the idea of a slow cooker.  I have one, but it is soooo rarely used.  I make pork in it for carnitas, which comes out nice.  I made chili once and that sucked.  I also will make beans on occasion.  Beans with chopped veggies is prolly the thing I make best in it.  I like throwing a bunch of shit in the pot and not having to do a damn thing until I eat it 12 hours later. The problem is, whenever I search for crockpot recipes, they almost always include a can of cream soup or sour cream or some other foul ingredient I would rather die than eat.  C'mon, how white trash is canned cream soup?  Who knows what they put in that shit!!  Well, my point is, if you have good slow cooker recipes that do not contain cream in any form, please send them my way!

I am still reading 50 Shades of Grey.  I hate it so much I go out of my way to avoid it.  But I am determined to finish.  I am now at the point where Christina (typo, but it stays) confesses something like "the woman who birthed me was a crack addict, Anastasia!!"  WHOA the drama.  As if you couldnt see that coming.  These 2 suck so bad.  This book blows.  "I will teach him, I am not going to ask for my panties back!"  The defiance!  Ughh, why did I buy this book?  Even the people at the book store told me it was good!  The chick that sold it told me to sit back with the air conditioning on and enjoy!  She also said I would be back in 3 days for the 2nd book.  I should go back and tell her off.  I'm pissed!

Next week I am going to go around downtown Darwin on my lunch break taking some pics.  I think peeps have the wrong idea of how Darwin looks.  Yesterday I attended a conference session at the one of the hotels on the waterfront.  A coworker of mine said, "It feels like Miami down here."  I laughed out loud --- not quite Miami :-)

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