Monday, January 18, 2010

How long before I lose it?

52.5 hours a week, 145 screaming kids.  10 classes a day.  That's what's up.  I think the most surprising thing is that I am actually learning most of their names.  I never thought this would be possible.  I figure I will have totally learned everyone's name by March 1st - just in time for the students to move up a grade (school year starts in March, not Sept).  Most of them will still be the same school, just in all different classes.

As promised, here is the run down of the preschool brawls from last week.  These both occurred in the same class, different days.  This is the same class that brawled over the penguin hat.  These kids aren't afraid to throw down.  On Thursday, there was full scale war.  One kid was having a bad day and was in one of those I-am-not-listening-to-the-teacher moods.  He wouldn't sit in his chair (even though I physically lift the kids and put them in their chairs most days), kept writing on the board, and wouldn't take out his reading book.  I wish I could write the way they do the Korean whine.  The last syllable of every word is elongated by like 8x's. "Teachererererererrrr!" Even the adults do it.  It is the most annoying thing ever to listen to all day.  ALL DAY.  Anyway, this kid is clearly going to cause a problem.  I am trying to get him to relax, but I see it's not going to happen.  When I am not looking, he takes his book and throws it across the table at another boy, which also spills a cup of water onto the other kid's book.  I was like, oh shit, please tell me that did not just happen!  Now the whole class is fighting, everyone's running around, kid won't apologize, anarchy.  Kid then has a full scale tantrum and lies on the floor kicking and crying.  WTF?!  I look at the kid's book and 2 pages are clearly ruined.  Great, this kid's mom is totally going to be calling (the moms call ALL THE TIME).  Now the kids are freaking out, I have to send one of them to get the Korean teacher because I can't get the kid out of the classroom, he is laying on the floor grasping onto my foot while I try to pick him up.  That evening, of course, kid who had his book ruined's mom is there...for an hour and  a half.  The kids tell their moms EVERYTHING.

Next day (Friday), I dread walking into this class.  They know they are getting a word search on this day (they DIE for word searches).  I tell them we have to read the story once through before I will give it to them - yes, I bribe them to read and be quiet.  Kid who had the tantrum the day before is being v good, and I think today might be a good day.   Ha!  The fun hasn't even started yet.  We read the story together and like vultures they are knocking me down for the word search.  Pretty soon, a fight breaks out.  How the whole class always manages to get involved in every fight is beyond me.  The fight is, of course, over the word search.  The kid with the water on the book was picking and choosing who could look at his (he is the smartest kid in the class), and of course, the ones who couldn't see were feeling left out.  Pretty soon, a fist fight (no joke) breaks out.  I jump in the middle to break it up, one kid starts crying.  He is apparently the one who threw the first punch.  They won't apologize to each other.  "Mommy says I don't have to apologize."  "My mommy says I don't have to share my word search," says the smart kid.  Eventually I just give up and put the Lion King on the tv to watch while they finish - that at least takes their mind off things.  That evening, guess who's mom is back...oh yeah, the smart/not sharing kid again!  This time meeting with the director and crying.  Give me a break!  This mom was there 3 days a in a row!!  Her kid, of course, has to wear a swine flu mask - which they all wear around their chins.

Ughhh, I can't believe I think about this stuff during the few hours of my day I don't have to see them.  In Al related news, I have decided I am not cooking a damn thing this whole year.  As you know, this is shocking news.  I love to cook.  But I fucking hate my kitchen, and really I can't be bothered.  Going out to eat is the same price as grocery shopping, without the aggravation of dishes or grocery shopping.  My kitchen is so small, there is barely room for a cutting board, so I will be eating at 4 Squares everyday (4 Squares is a chain of restaurants here run by little old ladies.  I have no idea what the name of it is, no one speaks English, and everything is in Korean.  It's the bomb, and there is one in my apartment building and one next to school  It's called 4 Squares bc there are 4 squares on the sign  The most expensive thing on the menu is $6.).  And it's all super healthy - although I've eaten more kimchee lately than I can handle!  Kimchee everyday, whether I need it or not!!  But I enjoy eating there because it forces me to step outside my comfort zone and eat more Korean food.  I also hate the fact my stove is legit 10 feet from my bed, too close for comfort.

Joining the gym tomorrow - at least I plan to!  We'll see how that goes!  Oh, and I watched Twilight and New Moon twice this weekend, jealous?

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