Sunday, January 24, 2010

A streak of bad luck.

Things are going badly.  They say bad things happen in 3s, and I had 3 bad things happen this week.  We already know about the lost camera.  Yesterday, I attempted to rectify the banking situation, to no avail.  I went to 3 different branches, thinking maybe only some are open on the weekends.  Not the case, banks are all closed on the weekend.  So I had no money.  Thank goodness for Jullia who loaned me some money to get through the weekend.  Today was really frustrating though...

My apartment doesn't have a traditional lock.  It has a code you punch, which is awesome because I don't have to carry keys.  Downside is this thing runs on batteries.  Yes, batteries, like Duracel.  Who ever heard of that??  I am always paranoid the batteries are going to die at some point.  Yesterday,  they started beeping at me and I think, they must be low on life, I better replace asap.  I didn't think they would die right then!  Legit, they start beeping, and then they are dead.  I was locked inside the apartment.  Luckily, I remembered I had a couple old batteries in this stupid portable speaker thing, so I put those in the lock.  They worked, and I thought they prolly have enough juice to last til tomorrow when I come home and replace (I had no money so had to go to Jullia's -- who so thoughtfully had gotten me batteries at Costco.  Worst part is if I did have money, I could have just replaced asap, the store in the building sells them!).  I left and headed to Jullia's for the night - we just got dinner and hung out watching movies / Jerz Shore.  Today I had a date with a coworker to see Avatar.  She emails me saying she got tickets for the 6:45 showing.  So I roll home this afternoon, equipped with 3 fresh packs of  batteries can prolly guess.  I am locked out of the apartment.  FUCK MY LIFE.  It's 6:20 now, I run downstairs and tell the security guard.  This type of thing prolly happens all the time, I'm thinking.  He must have another way in and I will just replace the batteries and be on my way.  Apparently, this type of thing doesn't happen all the time, just to me.  We have to call the locksmith, who comes right away.  He tries to recharge the batteries with this little thingy, and that doesn't work.  Only thing I can think of is someone knocked on my door and one of the newly replaced batteries fell out.  Basically, dude has to rip and tear out the entire unit and replace it.  I'm like, uhhh, how much is that going to cost?  Security guard (who speaks very very little English), says 30,000 - which is a little less than 30$.  Score!  Not so bad.  Dude gets it fixed after about an hour.  I go to pay.  He looks at me like I am nuts.  Security guard mis-translated.  He meant to say 130,000!  And another 30,000 just for the guy to come.  160,000 won (150 bucks) to get this shit fixed.  Ruh roh!  My bank account is still broken!  I try asking for them to bill me, that's not working. To sum it up, I had to go with the dude to his shop and pay him on Bank of America card, just making it that much more money for an overseas transaction.  And I stood up my friend, on her birthday weekend.  She had emailed me saying, I don't know where you are, you must have gone straight to the theater, I will head over there to meet you :-(  Grrrrrrrr.  Add the cost of a couple movie tickets I will have to repay her for into the mix.  This is the 4th time I have tried to see Avatar!!

I'm pretty upset, but trying not to get frustrated.  I understand these things are going to happen - especially the way I am.  It seems like there have been so many hurdles in the past 6 weeks.  This week I should have my debit card and cell, which will make things better.  Nothing has come easily.  AND I am sick again!  Trying to stay positive, trying to stay positive...


  1. So sorry! Hope your luck turns around soon... once you get all the kinks worked out. BTW, let's chat on Skype. I got it all set up, bought a camera, but realized I need to coordinate the day/time with you. So just let me know!

  2. I'm so sorry Nouna...that sounds terrible. Hang in there - I miss you!!
