Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I ain't no holla back girl! (and fine literature)

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Say whaaaaat?!  Who dat be on dat fly flip phone?!  Das right!  You can now hit up yo girl on da celly cell at (82) 010-7713-7659.  Holla!  Yes, the phone is pink and has a giant heart hanging off of it, because no phone is complete here without a charm.   I wanted a touch phone, but they were going to charge me a boat load because I am a foreigner, so I went with the free(ish) LG Ice Cream phone.  I am just happy to have it at this point.  So excited, I had to post a pic!  And I get texts, too, so text me.  Oh, and I got a debit card yesterday, all by myself!  I went into the bank and told them how it's going to be!  ATM is still not working though, so I am going to have to get the scoop on that tomorrow.  Always something.

Peeps have been saying my posts are depressing lately, but I want to assure everyone that I am fine.  I handle trying situations well.  And, if nothing else, it gives me some writing material. If there's anything to be upset about, it's the fact that I still haven't joined the gym and am crossing the line into supreme chunkaaa, aka the highest class of chunkaaa.  That's what's depressing!  Anyway, to lighten things up, I am posting some essays written by my 2nd graders.  This is the lowest level class I have.  I copied them verbatim, please enjoy :-)

Topic:  Write a story about a friendly robot.  What can it do?  Use details in your story.

Student #1:
The robot is play.  Then the lion comes and eat the robot!  The robot says. "pleas don't eat me!" robot says.  "ok, but you nice to me." lion say.  Then robot is run!  The lion too.  but lion is slow than the lion.  The robot is happy ever after.

Student #2:

I need robot so I go to the robot store.  so I buy great and friendly Smart robot.  It's vary good.  He help many work.  He is good vary good.
"well can I help me?"
robot is vary kind so I have a happy smile.  one day He was vary lasy so I have a upset.  so I talking rodot I said.
"your vary lazy."
So He quickly sweep and look good.  He is vary friendly robot.

Student #3:

In in the future I will buy friendly robot.
And play with him.
So I am very glad!
But I can't play with my friend because I think my friend to buy the friendly robot.
So I like my friend and friendly robo
I can play and I do wii.  But friendly robot can't do not know how to do game so I will program how to do wii.
But it is so many and I will just program in 2010 Vencuver winter olmimpic.
Because I just do the 2010 vencuver olmimpic.

Shit!  Good thing I went to grad school!  I definitely need a master's degree to decipher that blob of crazy!  I have no idea what the fuck these kids are talking about, or how to grade them for that matter.  I teach 18 different groups of kids, and these are the lowest level.  However, of course I am going to post their essays bc they are the funny ones!  Posting the good ones would be boring, obvs.

I'm sick again :-/  I was unsick for about a week, and now sick again.  Ughhh, this means another trip to the pharmacy -- cough cough, sniffle sniffle, help me.  Some people have told me you stay sick for your first year here!  Please don't let this be me.

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