Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pure Creep Mode

Hung-ov-er. That is the understatement of the year. I woke up this morning feeling like I am going to die. Legit. It's 10:30 at night and I still feel like dying. Weekend got off to a pretty low key start. Grabbed some sandwiches with a couple teachers after work on Friday night, drank thera flu, and hit the hay early.  I am still fighting the same cold I have had since coming here.  Had a hard time getting motivated on Saturday and eventually made it over to Jullia's around 4:30.  We went for dinner at 7, which was interesting.  I ordered smoked ahi tuna and salad.  Well, it came out and it was frozen - like I couldn't even bite into it.  I had to complain to the owner, but he had no idea what I was saying.  I was showing him it was frozen, but he still didn't get it.  So he put me on his cell phone with his wife, who spoke a little English.  I explained to her that the fish was like a block of ice, so they cooked it on the grill.  Not what I wanted, but ok.  The salad it came with was just shaved onions and a side of dried fish flakes.   Needless to say, this dinner did not provide me with a good base for the night of drinking that ensued. 

At dinner, I had my favorite beer and soju combo.  Then we went to our friend's place bc she was having a little birthday gathering before going out for the night.  Here, I drank a small cup of beer and a glass of wine.  Jullia, our new friend Tara, and myself then head to Hongdae, where we will later be meeting up with the rest of the birthday partiers.  We go to Ho Bar 3 again (we've been here every week!).  I can't remember if this is the bar where the tequila shots started (all of a sudden, Jullia has become all about ordering tequila shots.  Terrible!), but it's def the bar where I started drinking vodka.  Ughh, things got a little fuzzy. The photo below is me attempting to get up to be in a picture.  I had been sitting in the booth, and scooted over for the pic and fell out.  I swear it was a wrap around booth!  Appparently not.

Somehow, we ended up going to a club again! This experience was def less traumatic than the first one. Much less crowded, no grinding, but mostly Korean hip hop, which was disappointing because I didn't get to sing out to my jams. It certainly looks like I was happy here, and fist pumping!

In true Al fashion, I manage to befriend the coolest guy there!

So, just to quickly recap, I drank beer, soju, wine, vokda, and tequila all in the same evening.  Washed that down with same late night BK to make up for the less than adequate dinner.  Oh, and some girl sat at our table in BK and started a fight with us!  Just sat down next to Jullia and started arguing.  I was like WTF is this?!  So we bounced without even finishing all our fries!  And I wonder why I woke up feeling awful this am.  We didn't even make our 1pm brunch plans. 

The physical on Friday was interesting.  The most interesting part was that the nurse didn't wear gloves when she took my blood.  I sat in an office chair at her desk, put my arm out, and she took the blood right there.  She filled a tube, and dispersed it into 3 separate viles, WITH NO GLOVES!  Shocking.  She told me to throw away the gauze I used to blot my blood into a card board box that looked more like office recycling than hazardous waste.  Weird, very strange.

PS There are a lot more photos on my FB page, if you are interested. 

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