Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's happening sooner than I thought...

I knew it would happen at some point, but I didn't think I would be waking up from dreams (ok, nightmares) about the kids this soon.  Yelling, hitting, running, jumping, crying, whining, tattling -- this is what every morning is like.  And me, "Stop that!  Be quiet!  Don't hit her!  Knock it off!  Stand up!  Sit down!  Stop barking!  Say you're sorry!  Pay attention!"  Oh my fucking head!  And some of them touch all the time, places they shouldn't touch, like trying to go up your dress.  Then I sound like them, "Stop touching me!!"  I've heard that typically, Korean children are not really disciplined until they are in elementary school.  Therefore, my mornings can be challenging...yeah, challenging, that's a good word.  By challenging I mean out of fucking control.  The smallest thing can happen and all hell breaks loose.  For example, this morning, my worst preschool class was behaving very well.  They were all doing a color by numbers thing when there was a fight over a hat (mind you, this hat is the same Baskin Robbins penguin hat I want -- I should have confiscated the damn hat for myself).  Next thing I know, the entire class is arguing about this fucking hat!  I think the kids could sense that I had lost control and went buck wild!  I am finding a kid in the coat cubby, under the computer desk, trying to run out the door, everything.  Oh, and their parents were there today for open house, so they had to behave for 2 hours before I got to them.  Maybe they needed to blow off some steam... The other teachers seem to deal with it better, but I leave with my head spinning.  I have a hard time being stern, mostly because they're kids and I don't want to make them feel bad, but I have to find a way to get these terds under control.  I can't even get them to stop writing on the board!  I walked into a kindergarten class today and one of them had written on the board, "Alexandra Teacher is a fat chicken and a mom and I love her.  Love, Kelly."  Fat chicken is the phrase of choice in that class, don't ask.

The afternoons are calmer - don't get me wrong.  I said calmer, not to be confused with calm.  These kids are older and are terrified of their parents, so I am at least able to put a little fear in them by threatening to send a behavior note home.  Yesterday, I felt so bad for one of my first graders --  she didn't think we had a vocab quiz that week and didn't study.  She did fine, an 80%, but was so worried about it I was tempted to give her the answers!  She kept saying, "I'm the worst!  I did so bad, my mom is going to kill me! I can't believe I didn't study!"  Poor thing, she is a lil cutie too.  Total terd, but cute enough to get away with it.

Enough about those rugrats, on to weird food news.  Most bars here give bar snacks.  In general, they are one of 3 things:  delicious dried sheets of salted seaweed (so good), some type of Korean cheerio/fruit loop thing, or a big ass sheet of dried squid.  At last night's bar (called Beer Plus -- many bars are named Beer and a random word.  Always reminds me of Beer Works, would totally fit in here!!) we received the cereal at first and a plate of the squid treat after we had finished eating.  Squid jerky!  It's not terrible, but it's not good either.  Apparently, the one I had was not the best kind -- it's supposed to be a little sweet and salty, mine was just fishy.  And I hear it comes in peanut butter flavor too!  Everyone likes it, like kimchi.  Oh, that reminds me, one of my first graders would rather have a kimchi party than a pizza party in a couple weeks.  Kid, are you nuts?  (for those not in the know about Korean food, kimchi is fermented, pickled napa cabbage with a shit load of spices in it.  It's served with everything at every meal.)

So I am watching this Russian based news channel right no; it's one of the two English speaking channels I get.  The current headline is: "Journalist:  Obama had to prove he could kill like a white man."  They are interviewing this wacko now, they always have nutcases on here.  PS  More of my kids can name the President of the US than the president of their own country.  Every single kid knows Obama, but only a handful could tell me the president of Korea.  One kid answered, 'North Korea!"

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