Monday, January 11, 2010

You make me happy when skies are gray

You know that website Cute Overload?  I swear my kids could be on there (if you catch them at the right moment, and stop taping as soon as the cuteness stops).  One of my preschool classes will randomly bust out "You Are my Sunshine" at any given time.  They will be doing their workbooks, and all of a sudden one of the girls up front will say, "You Are my Sunshine on 3! 1,2,3!" and they will all start singing together.  It's so friggin cute.  Another favorite of their's is "Walking in a Winter Wonderland," which they also do a little dance to.  Cute overload, fo sho.  Two minutes later, they will be hitting and telling on each other, but it's fun while it lasts.

Like I said before, the school follows a completely American curriculum.  Which is weird.  Today in social studies, my 1st and 2nd graders learned about the early settlers, including Native Americans, pilgrims, and Columbus.  One of their essay questions was, "Do you agree with Deb that Thanksgiving is the best holiday and why?"  These kids don't have Thanksgiving!  They were all like, "Nooooo!  We don't even like Thanksgiving, we still have school on that day!"  Right on, kids!  Another thing that is hilarious - and I can't remember if I have talked about this before - is the kids all have American names.  They are not their real names, obvs, but in English school they use western names - unless they really don't want to, then they keep their Korean name.  There are only a handful that don't change.  They get to pick their names, or their parents pick them out for them.  Some of the names are so funny.  The most popular names are Lucy, Grace, Eric, Alex, Sunny, Amy, etc, but then there are several interesting ones.  I have a Claude, Stephano, Sebastian, Beverly (who is one of my favorites - when's the last time you heard of a kid named Beverly?!), Rei, and of course, Junie B. (named after the Junie B. Jones books, who is a girl, but our Junie B. is a boy -- irrelevant).  Although, Junie B. is now going by "Stan."  That is another thing, the kids can go to the front desk and request to change their names.  Junie B. was going to wait until he turned 6 to change to Stan, but apparently he's decided to expedite the process.  Man, I wish I could have changed my name when I was 6!

Ok, I apologize about the influx of posts to your inbox.  I promise to calm down on the updates.  Can you tell I don't have tv??

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