Sunday, January 3, 2010

up in da club

Last night I had my first and last SoKo clubbing experience. OMG, never again! Jullia and I tried to see Avatar AGAIN yesterday! Shit is out of control. We got to the movies around 4pm and it was sold out until "26:30." Yes, as in 2:30 in the morning. This is the third time we attempted - unsuccessfully - to go to the movies this week. Who knew it would be so damn difficult to see a movie that's been out for 2 weeks??? Ughh. Later on in the evening we ran into a girl from Jullia's apartment building who said you have to have someone who speaks Korean buy the tickets on a Wednesday if you plan to go on a Saturday. Riiiight.

We had planned to go out for dinner in Itaewon (foreigner land) after the movie, but now we had so much time to kill. We wandered around some giant mall for a little bit and got some food. We decided to just head to Itaewon early and browse - there's a lot of shopping there. Knock offs of everything possible. There is also an American bookstore, which is really cool. Finally, we are freezing and head into a bar for a drink. On the way in, we meet the most annoying man possible. I, of course, talk to him talk to him for about an hour - with the exception of the 15 mins he was gone to "bring the browns to the superbowl." But he did buy us drinks, so that was good. After the shitter leaves, we meet a group of teachers out celebrating a birthday. They were pretty cool and invited us to go to Hongdae with them. So we tag along. We started off at a bar, which is the same bar we were at on Christmas Eve. Then, we go to the club... **UGHHHH** I should have peaced right when we walked in, but didn't want to be the party pooper. FML, this place sucked. First, we had to pay a cover to get in, it was 15 and it included a drink at the bar, so not too bad. We get inside and the place is PACKED. All asians - you can imagine the shoving. It's 3 floors, and there are fucking people everywhere. The stairs are packed with people pushing their way through. Stairs leading to the dance floor are not kept clear, so you drop bows to get down there. I get to the dance floor, I can't bust my moves in that confined environment! Never mind beat up the beat! Peeps are coming from behind trying to grind. I've lost Jullia now and seriously feel like crying. One of the dudes we came with looks at me and says "just go find a man." That's it, get me the fuck out of here!!!

Leaving is no easy task. First, I have to find the girl who has the coat check pass. Then I have to find Jullia. Finally, we have to find the coats. When you check the coats, they just give you a bag and you stuff as much shit as possible it in and turn it in. The coat check line was like a mosh pit. There are no real lines here. For example, when you go to the bank, you take a number and sit and wait. Same thing at the movies. At the coat check, apparently you just shove your way to the front. I got shoved into a wall and almost got knocked over just trying to get out of there! So, yeah, I am all set with that scene. 2 weeks down, 50 to go.

Back to school tomorrow after vacation! That should be interesting. It's my first real teaching day, and I haven't even met observed some of the classes I will be teaching, so we'll see how that goes.

Oh, if you are getting these posts in your email and don't want to, just let me know and I will take you off :-)

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to have to pay someone to buy you avatar tickets? Just make sure it's in 3D - no joke. xoxo, LTF
