Sunday, January 17, 2010

I hate you, Soju!!!!

Hours of my life are missing.  Gone, never to be heard from again.  Not to mention my Sunday, all my money, and camera.  WTF happened last night?!  Our friend Tara is leaving Seoul for a month to go home and then coming back and starting a new job.  Last night was her going away.  I remember very little of it!  Very, very little.  I feel like The Hangoever, trying to piece together the night from things I find in my purse.  I wouldn't be surprised if I had woke up on the roof!  What I know:  Jullia and I went to galbi for dinner, I had beer and soju.  Then we went over to meet the rest of the group at Fish and Grill (place with the frozen tuna).  This is where the hours disappear (yes, already).  We took a cab to Gangnam (ritzy part of town), which means it was past 12 at this point because the subway was closed.  Yes, it definitely was because I remember going into the subway station and getting denied.  Then we went to this club in the Ritz Carlton. I feel like we were only here for 5 minutes, but I know that's not true.  I def brought in my own bottle of soju and added it to my drinks (I thought this was a GREAT idea! I was like, how did I not think of this before?!), and there were tequila shots.  This place was packed, and there were tons of American models there -- like I don't feel bad enough about myself always being one of the biggest people everywhere, you have to add models into the mix!  I think this is where I lost my camera, which SUCKS!  I just got it in August :(  I have no idea what happened next.  We ended up on the exact opposite side of Seoul at a bar called GoGo's (I know the name because I am still wearing a wristband from there).  I think it was only Jullia and I there, but really I have no idea.  I recall opening my purse and realizing I had no more money.  But we were having a great time there, so I didn't care.  I went to take a picture and didn't have my camera, and freaked the fuck out!  So we left because I was spazzing.  Get back to Jullia's, I'm so upset about the camera and want to go home.  Jullia says, well the subway is running again, so you can take that. I'm like, huh?  It is?   IT WAS 6:30 IN THE MORNING!!  HOW did that happen?!?!

So I storm off all pissy just wanting my camera and to be home.  I get on the train in the wrong direction, don't realize it and am thinking to myself, shit, this is taking a long ass time.  The line I need intersects with the one I was on twice, so I see it and get on, not realizing I am pretty much at the end of the subway.  I get on purple line, mine, and pass out!  Yes, I was one of those!!!  Some lady wakes me up over an hour later telling me I am at the last stop.  I rode the fucking subway from one side of Seoul to the other!!  I stumble off train, leave my purse, same lady has to get it for me.  Finally I come to, and realize where I am -- I missed my stop by 20 stops.  WHO DOES THAT?!  I didn't get home til 10:30 in the morning, I rode the subway for 4 fucking hours!!!

Basically, Korea kicked my ass last night.  Soju plus bars that don't close should not be allowed in any country!!  I miss Lowell, where they don't even let you come in past 1am!  I am laying off the soj for a while, and definitely the tequila.  Was there vodka last night?  I have no idea.  I would bet yes though!  Better yet, I am never drinking again!  Oh, and my knee is killing, so I had to have fallen at some point, shocking.  Everyone that has lived in Korea for a while warned me about Soju.  They all say, have you had a bad experience with it yet?  And I look at them like they are nuts.  What?  A bad experience with soj?  Impos!  NOT the case.  Shit is lethal, and should be against the law! I feel like Snookie after she got punched in the face!

So now I have to buy a new camera.  FML.

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