Sunday, February 5, 2012


I mentioned in the last post that books are super expensive here -- paper costs more?  Idk.  And also my kindle is fucked, so e-version is not an option.  Anyway, I know with the movie coming out, there has been a lot of hype around The Hunger Games.  I saw it at Big W yesterday (aka Aussie Walmart) "on sale" for $18.  Should I get it?  Is it worth the likely $60 I will end up dropping if I read all of them?  I would go to the library, but you know they never have the "trendy" books.  Who's read it?  Is it another Twilight?  Not that that's a bad thing, just want to know what I am getting into.  


  1. You can read kindle books on your computer or smartphone. The kindle edition of the first hunger games books is under $5. Totally worth it, even if you are reading it on your phone!

    ~ LTF

  2. Smartphone, lol. I should post a pic of my phone. I actually think I had this phone in 2004. :)

    Thank you for the tip though. I think I am going to call Kindle peeps and bitch...I heard they send new ones.
