Thursday, February 23, 2012

"You suck! I quit!"

Australian politics is nutso.  Seriously, it is so funny to watch this shit.  There is major drama going on right now, and I can't get enough.  Australia is still part of that ol' Parliament / Commonwealth / whateveryouwanttocallit  system.  There is the Queen (Elizabeth), the Senate, and the House of Representatives.  When you vote at election time -- and voting is mandatory -- you vote for the party, not the individual.  The elected party then votes internally and chooses the person they would like to be the leader, ie Prime Minister.  Currently, the Labor Party is in control and shit is going DOWN!

The Prime Minister is Julia Gillard and the Foreign Minister was Kevin Rudd -- until yesterday when he resigned in Washington.  These bitches HATE each other, and they don't hide it.  Rudd said during his surprise resignation that he was quitting because she sucks so bad he can't work with her.  They are in the same party!  He has been talking shit for a while now, but I don't think anyone thought it would get this ugly.  Gillard struck back in a press conference today and said they would put it up for ballot.  So now all the politicians in Labor are going to vote on Monday who they want their leader to be.  If they vote in K-Rudd (as the media calls him), then he becomes the PM, Gillard and her cabinet would be out.  Fucked up, huh??  So Monday there could be a new Prime Minister.

In the meantime, the party is using this opportunity to publicly slam each other!  Peeps are coming out as being on one side or the other, making it publicly known who they intend to vote for and why.  Funny thing is Rudd has already been the PM before and got kicked out.  I don't understand how they think this is effective and if I was a voter, I would be pissed off!  Get your shit together!

Google it if you would like to know more, especially since my rendition is not well researched, just what I have been seeing on  the news.  It really is quite interesting to watch, even if you're not into politics, the mudslinging is hilarious.

Here's a video that tells you a little more.  Watch it, it's funny.

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