Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Can't stop, won't stop

Scratching, that is!!  Can you scratch yourself to death?  Because I could be headed for the incredibly torturous death by scratching.  I don't like midges!!!  (pronounced midgee, btw).  Argh.  By the time I leave Darwin, I will be covered in scars from insect bites...sexy.

As if things couldn't get any worse with unwanted things in the apartment, my roommate now has it in his head that he wants a bird.  Dead serious.  He's like, "Oh I asked today if we can have pets.  They have to get back to me, but if they say yes, I am going to get a bird."  I was so thrown off that I didn't know what to say.  He has brought up wanting a bird before, but now that he is supposed to be getting deployed, I just assumed bird was off.  Then -- and I dont know how this happened -- he went to use a washing machine in another apartment (our washer is being repaired) and these people had the fucking bird!!  He comes back all excited -- "Guess what?!  They have a bird over there!!  It was sitting on the couch eating cheesy bread out of the Domino's box!!  How awesome is that?!?!"  NOT AWESOME AT ALL!! I said, "You can't get a bird, you are going to overseas," to which he said, "Oh I will bring the bird down to Melbourne."  Seriously???  I am going to throw this bird on the barbie.   I am so hoping this whole bird thing blows over before we have to have an argument about it. Grrrrrrr.

UPDATE:  I just went out to the kitchen to get a snack (obvs) and he called me over to look at pictures of birds!  NOOOOO!  I said, "I am not so sure about this bird," and he said, "Haha."  FML

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