Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Muppet of a man

Off topic, but since this blog is basically a forum for me to complain about anything, I will now complain about the Oscar nominations.  First off, Moneyball is not the shit!  I asked Amski to see it back in September or whenever it came out, and she was like I don't want to see that shit.  It opened way later here, I think November, so I dragged Jason to it and I remember asking him after about an hour if it was ending soon because I felt like I had been watching it forever.  And what's with them making it seem like the daughter wrote that "caught in the middle" song??  -- which was stuck in my head for days, btw.  The only reason I bring it up is peeps are making the biggest deal over it here, Moneyball this, Brad Pitt that.  Peeps here saying they are going to be A's fans now, wtf??  I did enjoy Jonah Hill though, I am not usually a fan.  BP was ok, too but I can't really take him seriously anymore.

The only other nominated film I saw was The Help, which I enjoyed.  I feel bad for that Skeeter chick because she seems to be the only one not nominated for something.  The other movies look really bad!  Except for the Descendants, which I want to see.  Especially bad-looking is War Horse!  The dude falls in love with his horse -- snooooooooooze.

I was happy to see Muppets got a nomination -- although they should have been in best picture category.  But "Man or Muppet" is up for best song, and that song is awesome!  Muppets rule, everyone knows.  Remember when Muppets came out in theaters and Fox News was all pissed off because they thought the movie attacked the oil industry and Muppets were teaching kids to be Communists???  Miss Piggy has fired back at a UK press conference!  So good :)  (maybe you guys already know about this, I feel a little behind here).

PS A Muppet press conference is amazing, all in itself.

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