Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Ok, so, I spent the whole day yesterday not knowing the Super Bowl score, only to fall asleep in the last 5 mins of the game!  I was in STRUGGLESVILLE!  The game was scheduled to start at 1030pm.  I am thinking, I got this.  No big deal, I can stay up late.  Ughh, not the case!  The game didn't actually start until 11 and I fell asleep at almost 230am.  Every time a commercial would come on, I would try to pass out.  And we don't get the superbowl commercials here, obvs.  Honestly, don't get me started on commercials here in general.  There are about 7 ads that they just play over and over again.  And they're not even fun product-selling ads, no catchy jingles.  It's all "this child has cancer" "this woman suffers from depression..."  I am getting depression from watching them!  And how to "Be Croc Wise."  LOL.  But, sadly, Pats lost and I missed this controversial last minute because I was snoozin! I am sure everyone's heard Giselle's statement that her husband cannot both pass and receive the ball.  She's got a point, lol!

I am still pissed that I couldnt stay up.  I even had Sam Adams beer and made chicken wings -- obvs I still ate the chicken wings, but even they didn't keep me awake.  I did enjoy the half time show though, even though I had no idea what was going on.  Madonna has moves!  Still didn't like the Nicki Minaj though, I am such a hater of her.  Hi Hater!

In Darwin news, crocs are running wild.  There was a 10 foot croc found in the backyard of a woman whose daughter was eaten by a croc 3 years ago!  The croc apparently tried to eat her boyfriend!  She lives in an area near the water.... Lady, it's time to move!  We are also heading into a dry spell and it is not supposed to rain for the next 10 or so days.  Not always a good thing as it gets so unbelievably hot and the rain kinda breaks that heat a little bit.  

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