Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm itchy!

Home alone!  Home alone!  Is this toothbrush approved by the American Dental Association?  LOL

Ok, I am not really home alone, my roommate is here too.  But, Jason is gone all week, leaving me to run a muck in the fiesta!  Except I hate driving...especially on the other side of the road and a manual car.  Who can believe I drive stick anyway?  And there is nowhere to go.  Alright, what I am really going to do is eat tofu, start Hunger Games, write in the blog, and drink wine!  YESSSSSS!  In fact, I just had some tofu to kick things off.  Now I need some wine.

As you know, I work now.  Life is incredibly exciting.  I work in a 2 person office that is one mile from my house.  Even though it is only a mile, I don't walk there -- way too hot and dont want to smell all day.  When I say 2 person, I mean myself and one other person are usually there -- but that person can change from day to day.  I don't have much to do, so if you see me on gchat, HOLLA!  I dont mind the job for now, but I think after a month there I would lose my shit.  I am still hopeful about the one I interviewed for, although they are taking their sweet time with the hiring process.  They did check up on my references though, shout out to Brandon for the glowing recommendation he gave... thanks boo!

So the main unit air conditioning broke last week, leaving us in Darwin with no a/c.  That's comfortable... NOT.    Pretty sweet that it takes them a whole week to send someone to fix it.  Not like we need it.  Cooking and eating in the house is just ridiculous.  You sweat cooking, then you sweat while you are eating, then you sweat while washing dishes.  I have to shower after I eat.  It is so hot, that we sit away from the lights to keep a little cooler.  It is also too hot to cook outside on the grill or the portable burner.  I did make the shabu shabu on Friday though, and despite there being equal parts sweat to broth, it was delicious :)


Another horrible thing about Darwin -- yes, ANOTHER thing -- is if eating outside, your dinner will be destroyed by mosquitoes, or even worse, midges.  I dont like to spray insect repellent on myself because that shit cant be good for you, but really you have no choice.  Repel or succumb.  I had never heard of these "midges" before, but these little fuckers will fuck you up worse than a mosquito.  They are TINY biting flies, you almost cant even see them.  But they sting when they bite and make you SO itchy.  I am covered in them right now.  And being slightly crazy and paranoid, I am convinced they are still biting me here in my bed.  Phantom bites!

1 comment:

  1. From Brianna: What's this gov't job you applied for? Do tell.
