Friday, February 3, 2012

Outrageous Aussie Prices

When I first came to Australia last year, I could NOT believe the prices. I mean, some things you expect are going to be pricier than in America -- like gas ("petrol" as it's called here).  Gas is about $1.60 a liter, which comes out to be about $6 a gallon. You can imagine how much we spent on gas on the xcountry trip!  But it is pretty common knowledge that although we bitch about gas prices in America, they are way lower than most of the world.  However, I was not prepared to pay $3 for a can of coke in a convenient store.

I think the worst one so far was hydrogen peroxide.  As you might know, one of my favorite hobbies is diagnosing myself with some illness based off information I found on the web.  I wouldn't say I am a hypochondriac, although others might disagree with me.  Anyway, I recently came to the conclusion that I had gum disease, which could be fixed with a new flossing technique and brushing daily with hydrogen peroxide.  I was immediately in the drug store (called the "chemist" here, wtf) to purchase the necessary remedy.  I could not believe my eyes, a regular size bottle, maybe 99 cents at home, was $13!  There must be some mistake!  The small bottle, only 300 mls, was $8.  I brought it to the register and asked if this was the correct price.  Then I reluctantly forked over my $8 :-(  (on a side note, I have now determined my gum disease is cured, so this remedy works!)

OMFG WTF!  Hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen and oxygen!  How the fuck are they charging so much for it???  Also shocking, $8 for rubbing alcohol!  I just don't get how they get away with this!!

Other insane prices I have encountered:
Groceries:  I never leave the grocery store without dropping $50 for one bag full.  Seriously, we need a Market Basket here stat.  Especially crazy items are iceberg lettuce $3.50 a head, sliced roast chicken from the deli at around $14 lb (sold in kilos here, obvs -- about $30 a kilo), cage free eggs (not organic) $6 dozen, butter comes 2 sticks for about $4, instant coffee (very popular here) $20 a jar.  I could go on and on.

Powerade or Vitamin Water:  $4 a bottle.  No, they are not bigger bottles.

McDonalds:  I ate here once on the road trip.  It is not a cheap alternative!  Between the 2 of us, we had one quarter pounder, one 10 piece nugget, and one chicken sandwich -- no fries, no drinks (they don't have combos)........................... TWENTY TWO DOLLARS!!

Beer/booze in general:  Ok, now this is a real problem for me.  I like drinking, it's no secret.  A case of non-imported Australian beer runs you about 50$.  Yes, there are 24 in a case.  Imports are anywhere between 55-85$.  You don't even want to know what a case of bud would cost.  Liquor is terrible too.  Expect to pay about $90 for a bottle of Grey Goose, and that's not the big bottle.  Also popular here are pre-mixed drinks, like cans of Jack and Coke.  It's a normal strength drink, equivalent to a beer, comes 24 in a case...for $95.  Wine - thankfully - is cheaper, but I swear a lot of these Australian wines are sold cheaper in the US!  Trader Joe's staple Yellow Tail will run you about $15.

Toiletries: Don't judge, but I wash my hair far less here because shampoo is so expensive.  When I first got here, I was swimming a lot to keep cool.  Then my hair started falling out from the salt water and chemicals. I went to the salon and got a regular sized reconstructing shampoo, conditioner, and a leave in conditioner.  That came to $87.  Even shit shampoos like Garnier cost around $12.  Needless to say, I don't go in the pool often, and def not if I have recently washed my hair.  Maybelline lipstick is $22.  Body wash, around $10.  Oh and I got a haircut.  They didn't even wash my hair, just wet it - $65.  I almost fell over.  And I hated the cut.

Books: I broke my kindle packing it in my suitcase to come here.  Apparently it didn't like when I sat on the  top to zip it up, because the screen has totally shit the bed.  I have bought one paperback book since being here - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.  Not a new release, $22.  OUCH!  Really need to get that kindle situation sorted.

I haven't really bought any clothes, but word is they are they might be the craziest.  Don't expect to pay less than $100 for sneakers.  Electronics are twice the price in general.  Oh, almost forgot!  I obvs need a KitchenAid standing mixer for my kitchen.  Well, maybe I don't, considering they retail for $800.

You get the point.  

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