Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The vote was taken yesterday morning, and no new prime minister.  They voted 30something to 70something to keep Julia Gillard.  So basically 1/3 of her party and 1/4 of her own cabinet voted for change.  Everyone is saying the same thing, it's ridiculous, they have kissed next election goodbye, etc.  Still funny to me!  My coworker told me the news yesterday after the vote happened.  I said something like this whole scenario is so bizarre to me, and she said, "Me too.  Is the parliamentary system like this in England?"   I kinda shrugged like idk and she said, "You're from there, right?"  WHAT?! No, I am American!  "You sound British to me."  Obvs I was highly offended!  Peeps always say Canada, which although offensive, is understandable, but never British!  LMFAO WTF FML

STILL no word on the job :(  what the fucking fuck (WTFF)??  This must be like a major decision!  I just want to know so I can stop wondering and planning 50 different scenarios of if I do vs dont get it.  Typing cappuccino job is getting better.  I have responsibilities now, other than retyping.  I still want to go home if I am left in Darwin for 3 months, but realistically idk if I can.  Seeing my fam is always the most important for me, but I think at some point I have to try and stay put for a minute and get my shit together.  Last week I thought I would turn down job, just to have opportunity to go home.  I realize I can't do that and I need to accept the fact that I really live here -- at least for now.  It is a scary thought. 

That being said, I was thinking of moving into the 21st century and getting my first smart phone.  Now, I don't know if I really need it, but right now I am rocking total flip phone circa 2004 -- legit I think my mom had this phone in 04.  Coincidentally, it's Jason's mom's old phone.  Here is what it looks like:  http://www.cellularreviewer.com/lg-c3310-review-2/  LOL..  it's from the days when a color screen and camera were cool.  I also have been apprehensive about getting a phone contract (the whole I dont really live here thing) so it is a pay as you go phone.  Sometimes I run out of minutes mid-call.  Is it time for grown-ups phone??

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