Wednesday, February 22, 2012

lil chunkaaa

I am bored.  I have been bored this whole day.  Bored, but with stuff to do.  I think they are fucking with me at my job.  They give me like 65 page documents and tell me to retype them.  So whenever I have nothing to do, I am doing that, retyping stuff that's already typed.  It is really funny.  And since they have this $3000 cappuccino machine there, sometimes I am too hopped up from pounding caffeine all day to be able to concentrate on my typing.  LOL.  Ahhh, the life of a temp.  Checked in with other job today, aka real job.  Dude says they are still sorting things out and will know next week.  I don't understand.  When they checked my references, I thought I had it in the bag.  But temp boss says they check the refs on the top 3 applicants, which is kinda annoying.  If I was top 3 in like 5 jobs I applied for, they would keep contacting my references? Seems weird. Keep in mind, I applied to this job the first week of DECEMBER!!!

Anyway, if I don't get the job, I won't be too bummed.  Who am I kidding?? Yes I will, no one likes rejection, but there is a bright side.  If I stay at cappuccino typing job and dont kill myself -- which they said is fine, I can stay as long as I like --I will be able to save enough to go home for a little bit in early summer.  I am going to be home alone from May-July, so I figure maybe I will just peace out for a while.  In October I can apply for a real visa, without any complications, so this might be the year of temping.  If this is not making any sense, I will explain.  The reason I am having a tough time getting hired is my visa.  I have the "backpacker's visa." It's a one year visa you can get til you're 30.  I can work with it, but only for 6 months per job.  In October, I will have lived "de facto" with Jason for a year, meaning in the eyes of immigration, we are in a "serious and committed relationship" and I can then get a "partner visa."  Basically like a green card, and sorry for all the quote marks.  So, get job, stay in Darwin.  Don't get job, visit home.  Both are ok  :)

If I do get the job, I am joining the gym -- HOL-LA!  No more running this fucking circle outside.  I run around the marina in my neighborhood and I have had it with that shit.  It's very pretty -- nice houses, boats, dogs, 2 bridges...and hot/humid as hell!  I am drenched in sweat, I get sunburned, bitten by bugs, attacked by crocs, everything bad.  And sticking to the plan, I have had tofu for the last 3 dinners, LOL.  I seriously wish I could just eat whatever I want -- dont we all??  Remember when the low carb fad had just started and I tried to prove it wrong by inventing the Dr. Al-kins diet?  There were 3 basic ingredients to any Alkins meal -- flour, cheese, and tomatoes -- because nearly everything delicious contains these elements.  Pizza!  Pasta!  Burritos!  Breakfast burritos!  Lasagna!  Grilled cheese!  You get the picture...  Anyway, Alkins is a good plan if you want to move from lil chunkaaa to supreme chunkaaa, which was the result of that.

Ok, enough rambling, just one last thing...  I just happened to come across this article tonight about how Aus prices are way disproportionate to the rest of the world and one major difference they mentioned is books!  Thank you!  Apparently, due to some fucking law passed in 1968, Australia does not import books, they are all printed here...higher wages = more expensive books.!!!

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