Monday, February 6, 2012

Go Pats!

So I can't go on most major websites today or watch tv because I dont want to know the score of the super bowl.  I am not watching it for another 13.5 hours -- it's on live right now, but I don't want to watch alone.  And if I am going to be drinking at 9am, I dont want to do that alone either.  So waiting solves both the watching and drinking alone problems and I will see it when it's re-aired at 1030pm. I would also like to know what peeps think of the Madonna half time show.  This I dont mind hearing about in advance, not that I think anyone is going to read this any time soon...  But really, am I the only one who has been so over Madonna for like a million years?  I like that one song from maybe 2005 - hung up on you or hanging up on you.  Whatever, but even that is 7 years ago.  And how can I forget Nicki Minaj???  UGH.  Who likes her?  Really?  Ok, I admit that turn me on song was great for running, but it's sooooo overplayed -- even on commercials here.  Her "rapping" is ridiculous, she is like female Kanye, but not nearly as good/insane.  I think BIEBER would be a good half time show :)

I have a job interview on Friday.  It's with the NT department of local government and regional services.  I really need to get this job, so please say your prayers to whoever you pray to that they hire me.  Please do a lot of praying.  As you know, govt jobs are never easy to get initially, but once you're in, you're in. And I need to be in! But moreover, it would be a great opportunity for me to get involved here and start my own network.  I still don't feel like I really "live" here yet.

It was a pretty uneventful weekend.  Jason was working, so I rolled solo for most of it.  I made my first ever scrapbook with pics from our trip.  Fuck, this scrapbooking shit is expensive...and a pain in the ass!  I really like the way it came out, but don't know if I could make another one anytime soon.  It took me forever, and all that cutting and pasting made a huge mess!  I also made dinner in the crock pot, so I am a full blown stay at home mom, minus the kids.  Word of advice, if the recipe calls for a can of frozen orange juice and lime juice, and the frozen OJ is not available, you cant just throw in oranges and limes.  My Cuban pulled pork tasted like an orange rind.  NOT delicious.  

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